what is daflon?
- This drug is a veinotonic (it increases the tone of the veins), and a vasoprotector (it increases the resistance of small blood vessels).
- It is recommended in the treatment of disorders of the venous circulation (heavy legs, pain, impatience of the primo-decubitus) and in the treatment of the functional signs related to the hemorrhoidal crisis.
What is Daflon used to treat and indication ?
Treatment of symptoms related to venolymphatic insufficiency (heavy legs, pain, impatience of the primo-decubitus).
Treatment of functional signs related to the hemorrhoidal crisis.
daflon dosage
- Usual dosage: 2 tablets per day, ie 1 tablet at noon and 1 tablet in the evening, at the time of meals.
daflon 500 mg dosage for hemorrhoids
- Hemorrhoidal crisis: 6 tablets daily for the first 4 days, then 4 tablets daily for 3 days.
- Flavonoid hypersensitivity
- Diosmin hypersensitivity
- Hesperidin hypersensitivity
- Child under 6
- Feeding with milk
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